Ungewollt. is a book that focuses on mental illnesses, but from the perspective of an actually affected person. Creating that book quickly became my passion, because I love peeking through the curtains of different perspectives. This work is a dedication to a very special person in my life, who inspired me to spread the word from THEIR perspective. And since that topic is one that affects many friends and family members, I realized that I had no idea myself on how to react to people's feelings, diagnoses or mental outbreaks.
To fully understand my abilities to help or to be there for someone with a mental illness, I needed to know what it feels like. So, I knew that I wouldn't get the answer I wanted from looking into scientific books. Since this book is supposed to narrate from the unknown side of mental illnesses, it became important to me to let people with those illnesses speak for themselves and to let myself create the visual foundation for that.
This means, that this book includes the self-written stories of affected individuals. These stories cover some aspects of Borderline Personality Disorder, as well as some aspects of Bulimia and Panic Attacks.
Visual Conceit:
Visual Conceit:
Each story was transformed into a visual expression of what is written down. Since people who suffer from mental illnesses are considered to not be "normal", this book was intentionally created as to represent this anormality. It is supposed to be different and chaotic, just like the mind of those who suffer.
I printed, bound and pressed everything by myself, using an open back binding style.
Tools used:
Adobe Illustrator, Adobe InDesign.